War On Torus
It’s the prototype of strategy on torus.
You can build factories for extraction of resources and factories for production of tanks. You will be endlessly attacked by a simple AI.
As it turned out, the strategies are not easy to make. For example, there is a problem of repulsion of units. It seems that for such games it is difficult to make not imbalanced and not simple AI for 2 days.
As it turned out, the surface of a torus is curved and the pathfinding works incorrectly (because it does not take this into account).
At least once a year, for a couple of nights, I go back to finishing this prototype. I still really like this idea, so there is a chance of a playable version.
Jam: Ludum Dare 32
Theme: An Unconventional Weapon
Date: April 2015
WASD - camera movement
Mouse scroll - scale
LMB - select units
RMB - give orders to units
Anton Tarasov - Code/Art