Hitman: Codename 46

Demake of Hitman: Codename 47. We chose the mission “Killing Lee Hong”.

We haven’t completed the game (there are no clear tasks, sounds and music), but we implemented almost all the features of the original game, such as disguise, fiber wire, body dragging and responsive AI.


Jam: Mini Ludum Dare 50
Theme: Demakes
Date: March 2014



WASD - movement
Shift + WASD - sprint
Mouse - rotation
C - toggle stealth mode
E - action
Tab - shuffle Actions


LMB - fire
R - reload
1 - fibre Wire (E - use)
2 - beretta
3 - UZI
4 - AK 47
Q - holster
G - drop weapon


Andrey Viktorov - Art
Alexander Matyunin - Code
Anton Tarasov - Code